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Gimnazija "Fran Galović"

 > Naslovnica

Poziv od bivšeg učenika gimnazije!

Autor: Miodrag Maričić, 14. 10. 2019.

Svi zainteresirani za studiranje u inozemstvu imaju priliku saznati kako, u Zagrebu, u petak,  25.  listopada 2019.g. 
Gospodin Alen Trgovčević će predstaviti svoj i druge fakultete na kojima studiraju ili su završili studij bivši učenici naše gimnazije, ali i drugi građani RH. 
Škola je osigurala prijevoz do Zagreba i natrag za 7 učenika, koji se trebaju prijaviti putem internet poveznice u nastavku te javiti osobno profesoru Maričiću u kabinet 0/007 najkasnije do utorka, 22. listopada 2019. g. 
Budući da je broj mjesta u kombiju ograničen, molimo da se prijave samo učenici koji ozbiljno namjeravaju studirati izvan zemlje.


        On Friday 25th an event was held about student scholarships. The event was held in Zagreb in a hotel called Hilton. Various colleges came to present their offers but only one school held a lecture.

        Danish School of Business Management, Aarhus, gave a lecture about life in Denmark and, more importantly, about schooling in their school. Some parts of the lecture were more important than others. Also representatives of the college came and two of them were students of the school.

        One of the representatives was Alen Trgovčević, who was a former student of grammar school Fran Galović. He is currently preparing his Masters at the Aarhus School of Business Management after three and a half years of studies for his Baccalaureate. Accompanying him were another student of the school and a worker from the school.

        There were more stands outside as the name suggested "Sajam Stipendija". The stands were located outside the lecture room and there were representatives of the colleges that wanted to present their offers.

        The event was very helpful to someone interested in somethings on offer there. A lot of people came to the event as it was held in a public area. This kind of event is great for young people to find out more about the things that interest them.


Written by eyewitness Alen Tinodi, class 2E

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